
Kurlan Naiskos

Kurlan Naiskos

Rare card from Premiere (1994) / Super Rare Foil card from Reflections (2000)

Statues which open to reveal a multitude of similar but smaller figurines inside, representing the belief that each person is a community of individual voices and desires.

ArtifactSee prev Artifact in alphabetical orderSee next Artifact in alphabetical orderPremiereSee prev. card from Premiere (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Premiere (order by card typ, alphabetical)strategy notesrule notes

Place on hand until played on a ship as an Event card. If ship has all 7 personnel types aboard, its RANGE, WEAPONS and SHIELDS are all tripled. (not commulative.)


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Kurlan Naiskos

See ship attribute enhancement in strategy area.



Rule notes

Official Runlings:

This artifact requires the original seven personnel type (OFFICER, ENGINEER, SCIENCE, MEDICAL, SECURITY, CIVILIAN, and V.I.P.). See attribute modifiers.

Taken from: Rulebook Glossary (08/2002)

